Today I have a special treat, I am so flipping excited and proud to share my Incredibly talented little sisters' short film trilogy, starting with I Never Can, this post Packed full of trivia from the film that will have you on your toes!! And be sure to check out all the links located at the bottom of the page, including Energy Costs (which is NOW about to be cast at SOU!!), and check out more of Migs videos on Youtube!
(Hint, if you watch all videos, not just ones she posted, you may even catch a few commercials, including a super one for 5hour energy!! That, I won't link you to, you have to find that yourself! I have another piece of trivia for that someday soon, by the way)
Decide if you want to watch it first or read the trivia first, but please don't forget to do both!! *don't worry, all links go to a new window, (if you have a pop in blocker, if I am not mistaken, you usually click control while you click the link (at least in Firefox)
I Never Can
-Mig Windows launched an indiegogo campaign to help finish the film trilogy. Although they met their goal, they are still accepting Donations!! Click HERE to help out!!
-It has screened at the 2015 SOU Film Festival, The Killer Valley Horror Film Festival, and the Klamath Independent Film Festival.
Rory Owens, Migs co-director/Director of Photography, is a popular wedding videographer in the Rogue Valley. He runs the production company with his extremely talented wife, Angelica, who has been a makeup artist/line producer on the movie. Their company is called "AR Owens Productions"
Rory Owens, Migs co-director/
-The role of "Sean" was initially supposed to go to another actor, who ended up having a conflict. Connor Chaney, a friend of Mig and Jon, happened to be in the area and wasn't doing anything that day. He memorized his entire scene in less than half an hour, and Windows was so impressed with his acting that she gave Sean a bigger part in the next two films.
-It's the first film in a trilogy. The second film, "I Never Will" is in post production and the third film "I Never Did" is Currently being filmed.
-The picture on the dining room table is from "Energy Costs" a play that Mig Windows (Director, "Jenny") wrote and Jon Cates ("Matt") starred in.
*which in my opinion is FANTASTIC, btw, the link to that is also available at the bottom of the page*
Mig, I love you so much and am so proud of you!! Thank you so much for being such an inspiration, and I can't wait to see everything else you have in store for the world! You are a Shining Shooting Star, and you and your crew (anyone who has the honor of working with you) light the sky, and our lives with your creativity!! Don't ever stop!!
Oh, and the last little bit of trivia? Some of the artwork for the film which is currently being worked on is done by me, Daynah!! You can also see bits and pieces of my new work on my blog
Daynahz Anxiety 2 Art
Related Links:
I Never Trilogy on Indiegogo
Click here to donate now!
Mig Windows on IMDB
Mig Windows on Youtube
Rory Owens on IMDB
I Never Trilogy on Indiegogo
Click here to donate now!
Mig Windows on IMDB
Mig Windows on Youtube
Rory Owens on IMDB
Lafcadio Hearn on Wikipedia
*Now for that extra treat or bonus I told you about,
Mig Windows and Jon Cates in
I really hope you enjoyed this post and the film! Thank you so much for stopping by! Leave a message and don't forget to like and subscribe to Migs Channel on Youtube and like Mig and Rory on IMDB!! See you soon!! <3 daynah
(This is from an episode of Liv and Maddie, Maddie and Diggie have the most awesome couple name, MIGGIE!)
(This is from an episode of Liv and Maddie, Maddie and Diggie have the most awesome couple name, MIGGIE!)
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