So back a few years ago, I was in the whole Desperate Housewives Craze, I STILL LOVE IT!
Well it isn't much of a surprise to most people who have taken the Desperate Housewives Tour on Colonial Street, that that several people moved in and out of that house throughout the seasons. Mr and Mrs Mullins, Betty Applewhite and her sons, etc....I noticed this back when I started watching, before the birth of #RandomRecognizer the blog.
And I have Always Loved the Munster's, and Though the home is a bit different, IT is EASY to spot it!!
(screen capture from the online Desperate Housewives tour linked below!)
Here is a shot from Desperate Housewives
Many people move in and out of this house throughout the seasons,
I wonder why people kept moving...
Maybe it had a creepy vibe left over from The Munster's!?
If you can't see it, Here it is again without the title in the way
And here is The Munster's Home... See the resemblance? On first season (which is when I first spoted it, it looked More like the Munster's House)
I guess too many people could tell, so they Remodeled it for Second Season... BUT No one is fooling ME!
I guess too many people could tell, so they Remodeled it for Second Season... BUT No one is fooling ME!
Here are the Applewhite's Moving In(?)
(I think they are moving in...or they could be moving out,
so many moved in and out of this house, it's hard to keep track,
I think it just had that
Vibe, *See what I did there?* )
There are the Applewhite's DEFINITELY Moving Out with her son,
with Susan Mayer's house right on the other side....
Here's that house again, also right next door to The Solis Family...
A friend brought over a movie I hadn't seen in SO LONG, and my boyfriend HADN'T SEEN IT! I couldn't believe it, so we had to put it on!
Can anyone guess what it was??
That's RIGHT!!
But what is so interesting about
A Fantabulous Cast?
Well YES.....
But What Else? Anything?
Your Neighbour/Neighbor You Say? Is it Really?
But which one?

Bet you can't guess who's house this is!
Looks CAN be deceiving!
Was it The Munster's?
Nah, they moved out ages ago,
Ricky Butler Lives there Now....
Thank you Cor-ermm... RICKY!!
(And he's been saying "GO FOR IT" since the 80's!! YAY!!)
(PS Here is a poem I wrote and dedicated to
Corey towards the cowardly haters out in the world!
Real Person Real Feelings)
(ehem... can anyone else tell that Corey Feldman is ONE of My favorite actors of all time? ANYWHO!!)
![]() | ||
Img from Little Gothic Horrors |
I will contact another way if no response.
Thank you so much in advance!
GREAT Side by side IMAGE!!)
Lets move on!

Was It Susan Mayer?
LOL NO, She hasn't moved in yet!!
Who was there before her?
Here is Susan Post Burbs, See the Munster's/Ricky Butler's home in the background?
How about The Rumsfields?
They are pretty interesting, kinda weird, but who isn't...
no...(they are the "previous" owners of Susan Mayer home)
How about the Scavo's?
No one knows WHO lives here!
And it isn't even GREEN yet!
NO no, its not really what I am talking about,
*but here's a cute little Tidbit!*
On the Colonial Street Wikipedia
They refer to this home as the DANA HOME!!
(I feel so special!!! My name almost appeared TWICE in the movie The Burbs... Kind of, The Scavo/Dana Home, and Ray Peterson,
however, I am (Dana by birth) Daynah Pedersen BUT STILL!)
Who could it be?
Another small Spoiler, If you haven't seen The BURBS, DON'T READ the following!
I know it doesn't LOOK like the same home... because it isn't. If you remember, at the end of The Burbs, the home was TOTALED.... I wonder if they actually blew up the house filming it!? They had the home TOTALLY redone, and BOY was it NICE afterwords!
"You can't Be Serous!"
(Burbs Spoiler)
Oh but I am!
Bree would freak out if she knew her home was once home to a
Psycho Doctor with skeletons everywhere
See? There's Susan Mayer's House...
RIGHT across the street from Bree Van De Kamp's!
She must have had one HELL of a job
#ReVanDeKamping the place, am I right?
(since it has been seriously remodeled since The Burbs)
Bree is DEFINITELY the one that could do it, though
If anyone!... Unless Mike helped out!
That means that Ray and Carol Peterson lived at
Paul and Mary Alice Youngs home!
(which ALSO happens to be Ward and June Cleavers Home....
for Leave it to Beaver!)
Here is a look at Wisteria Lane

(already free to put up according to GOOGLE)
*And with The Studio Tours Permission,
I will also be able to put up THIS image
![]() |
IMG from The Studio Tour History |
*Personal Note to Studio Tours
There is a link back to you, if you allow it.
If it isn't OK, I am happy to take it down
(But it works so well with the comparison)
So a Warm Thank you in advance!
As you can see, they added a home and made it a cul-de-sac
(cutting Mike Delfino and Mrs Mcluskey out)
If you watch this video below,
Notice all the surrounding homes,
(not the house they are all looking at
(because THAT house was revamped
and Changed to Bree Van De Kamps home!))
Notice all the surrounding homes,
(not the house they are all looking at
(because THAT house was revamped
and Changed to Bree Van De Kamps home!))
Below is the Tour of Colonial Street Universal Studios Backlot!
AND wouldn't you know it!
Of course I spotted the Garbage MEN
What, you don't think they are relevant?
Notice the Garbage man without the baseball cap on?
Remember him from Gremlins and Gremlins 2? (played by Dick Miller)
That isn't all... THE OTHER garbage man is in GREMLINS 2 as WELL! (played by Robert Picardo)
As we all know, Corey Feldman was the adorable #gank (friend (the Chrismas Tree) in GREMLINS!
Joe Dante love's putting the same actors, likely his favorites in all his movies... You will see them time and again in The Gremlins Movies, Innerspace (Richard Picardo)
Small Soldiers (Dick Miller Delivery man) and
Twilight Zone The Movie with a cameo from Dick Miller again,
What does the 4th part of Twilight zone talk about? GREMLINS!
I know I know, It's a remake, But Joe Dante was involved with SOME of it, and ALSO refers to it in the Gremlins Movies!
John Lithgow plays the previous William Shatner's part from the original Twilight zone... (Nightmare at 20,000 feet)
*Another cute little tidbit... This movie came out only 10 DAYS before my beautiful incredibly talented baby sister was born... +Mig Windows
Check her out on Youtube!
(I will always shamelessly plug her in any way that relates to her! <3 font="">
Thank you so much for visiting
Don't Forget to ADD me, Follow Me, and Share My POSTS!! Also feel free to leave comments, Have you seen this neighborhood in anything else that you would like me to add?
#DesperateHousewives #TheMunsters #TheBurbs #VanDeKamp #SameLocation #RandomRecognizer #Corey Feldman
If you haven't seen, Or would like to see any of these titles again, You can find them here on Amazon!
The Munsters: The Complete Series
The 'Burbs
Desperate Housewives: The Complete Collection Deluxe Edition
And for the finale, I TOTALLY forgot to post before, so I am posting now! Wait for it!!
Notable Links
The Studio Tour
The official site of The Studio Tour
of all the homes on Wisteria Lane,
Someday I will get to go too,
if it hasn't changed much for the next films/shows
A listing of all he popular homes on
Colonial Drive that have been on TV and films
Desperate Housewives
4341 Wisteria Lane Wiki
The Munster's Home,
Still the most popular Home on the lot,
by far. Scroll down to where you see
Current Residents to see what the house
looked like in Season 1
(Looks like The Munster's to me!)
The Burbs on Wikipedia
The Burbs on Youtube
Change Link Later (Couldn't Share Correctly)
Little Gothic Horrors Blog
I came across this blog looking for Ricky Butlers House
on google. LOVE the blog, Definitely worth a look!
Maynard's Horror Movie Diary
I Actually found this one LINKED with the one above,
Little Gothic Horrors (they do joined posts)
Worth Checking out as well!
The Munster's Mansion
This is NOT the original house, but the couple who
built it in honor of the the show, and took extra time to
make sure it was he EXACT replica of the
Munster's beloved home, inside and out!! PRETTY EPIC!
The official site of The Studio Tour
of all the homes on Wisteria Lane,
Someday I will get to go too,
if it hasn't changed much for the next films/shows
Desperate Housewives - Wisteria Lane On Youtube
Some Spoiler Alerts HERE Beware if you haven't watched DH YET!
Universal Studios, Hollywood Filming Location
this is another Tour of the homes, with excerpts from the show,
(some spoilers if you have not seen the show yet)
Colonial Street Wikipedia
A listing of all he popular homes on
Colonial Drive that have been on TV and films
Desperate Housewives
4341 Wisteria Lane Wiki
The Munster's Home,
Still the most popular Home on the lot,
by far. Scroll down to where you see
Current Residents to see what the house
looked like in Season 1
(Looks like The Munster's to me!)
The Burbs on Wikipedia
The Burbs on Youtube
Change Link Later (Couldn't Share Correctly)
Little Gothic Horrors Blog
I came across this blog looking for Ricky Butlers House
on google. LOVE the blog, Definitely worth a look!
Maynard's Horror Movie Diary
I Actually found this one LINKED with the one above,
Little Gothic Horrors (they do joined posts)
Worth Checking out as well!
The Munster's Mansion
This is NOT the original house, but the couple who
built it in honor of the the show, and took extra time to
make sure it was he EXACT replica of the
Munster's beloved home, inside and out!! PRETTY EPIC!
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