, pub-3093549154593627, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Random Recognizer Tv & Film Trivia Blog: 2015-07-19

Friday, July 24, 2015

Decoy Brave??

I was watching The Decoy Bride with a FORMER friend of mine,

and she spotted someone, the bride on the right, main character Katie, or real name Kelly Macdonald was very familiar to her. She recognized THE VOICE Kelly as Merida of Brave!! 

#randomrecognizer, #dayzrandomtrivia, #recognizethis, #disneysbrave, #decoybride

(ps, this was a very bad day for me, so I didnt post a lot about either movie, or any other trivias, maybe someday I will, OH Except Brave was excellent, and I never got to finish Decoy Bride that day, because my former friend took her dvd while we were fighting, Is it good? I wanna finish it!! 
WAAAAAAHH!! (just imagine Lucy)


Ok, so this isn't random trivia, at least just yet. I was at a family friends house when I first saw this show. I thought this already the day it aired, but since I have access to internet more now I figured I would post it on several social media platforms to state my claim before anyone can steal my idea: 

Zach Galiafinakis

David Cross

I totally think Zach Galifianakis and David Cross should play the two scientists who caught a mermaids on film in the movie that has yet to be made!!!!! That would be awesome!!! If it does come out, it was MY idea. I expect 25% from all profits and merchandise for this idea of the mermaid film !! Oh and I'm not joking.  If my idea is used and I don't get royalties and credit, things will not be good for the responsible parties. I am posting this on multiple platforms

Now HERE are the actual scientists

Some of my sourses


  Mermaids On Film on youtube

I posted my idea here too in the comments, as well as my Facebook and a few other sites.

 Please comment and tell me what you think!! I mean, am I right or am I right??

#randomrecognizer, #dayzrandomtrivia, #recognizethis, #mermaidsonfilm, #dayzcasting, #davidcross, #zach galiafinakis

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